Want to buy train tickets to St. Petersburg, Russia? If so, don't look any further. Here you can easily find and safely purchase online tickets on any trains from/to Russia.
Getting to St Petersburg by train is cheaper and safer than taking the plane; plus it is more convenient and easier than going by bus or by car. And, everyone agrees that it is one of the most remarkable ways to experience the countryside of Russia. That's why many people today have started to consider travelling by train.
If you too want to come to St Peterburg by train below you can buy your train tickets. It is faster and easy! But before you go, remember that the best train routes to take are Helsinki to St. Petersburg, Tallinn to St. Petersburg, and Moscow to St. Petersburg.
From Finland, you can board on the new high-speed train Allegro, and travel to Russia in comfort and faster without leaving your seat for customs/passport formalities as all border formalities are carried out on the train. The trip takes less than 4 hours and the train runs four times per day.
From Estonia, you can take the Baltiski Express on GoRail, the only operator of regular passenger services between Estonia and Russia. The trip takes 6 hours and the train runs twice per week. As per the Allegro, all customs/passport formalities are handled on board the moving train.
If you're already in Russia, and you want to travel to St Petersburg from Moscow, or reverse, you can take the popular Sapsan high-speed train, the most convenient way to travel between Moscow and Saint Petersburg. The trip takes 3.5 hours and the train runs several times per day.
For your information, you can also travel by train from London, Riga, Warsaw, or Berlin with Eurostar, Db Bahn, Eurocity, and RZD (Rossiyskiye Zheleznye Dorogi), for example. But we personally advise you to take a train to St. Petersburg only from Finland and Estonia, or Moscow so that you avoid a long journey.
Ready to buy your train ticket? If so, use the widget below to search and buy your train ticket to Russia.
Enter your details, and click search tickets. You will be re-directed to the website of our partner. A reliable and easy booking system, with good after-sales service if you need it. This system is good for checking Russian train times, too, even if you plan to buy tickets at the ticket office.
You can buy train tickets for Russia here and save money in five simple steps.
Step One
Start searching using the train search engine above. From the drop down list menu, type your departure and return date, choose your arrival and return city, then simply hit the "Search tickets" button.
Step Two
After hitting the "Search tickets" button, a new page will load up with all the train options available. There you can still amend your travel date or time, plus choose in what currency to pay, which cabin to stay, and so forth. Once you're ready, just click on the icon "View seat" button of the train option that suits you best and select your seat. Then click on "Continue the booking".
Step Three
After clicking on the button "Continue", another page will load up. There you will be required to fill out some personal information, such as passenger names, passports, birth dates and birthplaces, genders, and so on.
Step Four
To complete the booking, you will need to provide the name and last name of the payer with a valid email address and select the payment method. After filling out all this information hit the "Submit" button at the end of the page to make the purchase.
Step Five
Once seating has been assigned, you will get an email from our partner with your boarding pass, an e-ticket with all the details of your booking. Make sure you print out the official boarding pass as you will need it to board the train.
This system can sell tickets for any mainline train journey within Russia, Ukraine, Latvia, Estonia, Belarus, Lithuania, Kazakhstan and the other ex-Soviet states. It will also sell tickets for journeys starting in those countries heading outwards, for example, Moscow to Warsaw or St. Petersburg to Helsinki, or the other way around.
Reservations officially open 45 days before departure, but Russian Train allows you to request tickets up to two years in advance and they will contact you for payment when the price is confirmed.
Yes, anyone can buy train tickets online with a credit card regardless of where they live: UK, USA, Canada, Australasia, Europe, China, or wherever. All major credit cards like Visa, Mastercard, and American Express, including the newer cards like Union Pay are accepted.
When you buy train tickets through our third party system you are offered a number of delivery options, so you can choose the option that you suits you best.
After booking online an e-ticket will be emailed to you within one business day for you to print out and show when boarding the train. If you travel in some areas where the e-tickets are not supported you'll need to collect your ticket later at the train station before boarding the train or get it delivered to your home address.
For your information, e-tickets are offered on all domestic routes within Russia, including major train connections between Russia and Europe, while paper tickets are offered only on some routes, such as all Asian trains, so China and some of the ex-Soviet countries. In this case, tickets can be sent internationally to your home address or to the hotel you are staying at while travelling.
Whatever is the case you'll know in advance what kind of tickets you're buying. So don't worry!
This service is provided by Russian Train, a reputable Russian company with offices in St. Petersburg. They have built the most comprehensive reservation system in the world for trains in Russia and Eurasia. The company has received very good reports from users around the world thanks to its prompt 24hrs customer service as well as its innovative online booking system, which contains tonnes of useful information and is connected to the official Russian railways so you can always see up-to-date schedules.
Russian Train charge the normal Russian Railways fare with a mark-up of 10% to cover their costs (usually all agencies charge a mark-up of 20%, but Russian Train do not). All costs are included in the ticket price you see on their website. No hidden fees or extra charges are added. Currently, there's also no charge for credit card payments, or if you use PayPal.
By all means buy train tickets at the ticket office, if you're flexible, but Russian trains can get fully-booked so it's good to pre-book if you want a specific date and train.
Russian Railways offer online booking and sometimes can be a little cheaper, but it's only in Russian language, so it can be worth the extra to quickly and simply organize your Russian rail tickets in the English language and online.
If for any reason you don't want to buy Russian train tickets online, you can always buy them at the train station reservation office.
Here are some tips...
On Russian Railways website www.rzd.ru you can book domestic trains within Russia, and direct international trains too, including Paris-Moscow, Warsaw-Moscow, Vienna-Moscow and Prague-Moscow. You can also book intermediate journeys on the Russian-run trains, for example, Paris to Berlin or Nice to Vienna on the Paris-Moscow and Nice-Moscow trains. Plus you can check train times and availability.
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